Taro Root from Nicaragua

XAGRO is your supplier for fresh or processed taro root (Dasheen) from Nicaragua. Taro is a confusing name because there are many varieties. XAGRO exports the large size, 2.5 pounds each and bigger. We also have some smaller, Malanga Coco, taro available.

If you are a wholesale buyer or importer of Fresh Tropical Produce, XAGRO offers the best quality and prices direct from Nicaragua.

Contact us: info@xagrosa.com for more information.
U.S. Phone: 305-359-4565 - U.S. Fax: 305-890-2927 - Intl Phone: +505 8993-4549


XAGRO is a leading exporter of tropical roots, fruits, and coconuts grown in Nicaragua. Established in 2010, the company has continually grown and was awarded “Exporter of the Year” in 2012 More ...